When I was heavily pregnant with my youngest, I quickly developed a set of teaching skills and verbal cues that would enable me to correct, assist and guide everyone in my classes, without me having to bend and get up and down so much ! Necessity is the mother of all invention and I needed to sit and rest a bit more!
I never imagined that those skills would be so useful until we were thrown into this Global pandemic and subsequent lock down. I had to very quickly transfer my classes and all of my clients onto Zoom, the online platform which i’ve been teaching from and spending most of my days on, since the middle of March.
Pilates teachers love to get their hands on you. To correct your posture and improve your alignment. it makes all the difference to your practice and is in essence, why you need a teacher to spot you. Suddenly we couldn’t. Now my round bellied skills would come into their own.
Being able to get someone to move their body in exactly the way needed in order to feel the benefit, is what good online Pilates has become all about. Communicating those skills through my laptop to theirs has been my main challenge.
Along the way however, it became apparent that the classes were becoming about so much more than moving well . Those who were self isolating were suddenly propelled back into the hum of their regular class settings, with the same familiar faces.
Everyone’s collective stress levels and tension in the body, had all reached new heights. The connection between body and mind, had never been more apparent. We needed to move, to breathe and to reconnect with one another even if I couldn’t get my hands on you all, I would find a way to reach you and help you to move, to feel, better.